Thursday, September 16, 2010

Orly Cosmic FX Collection Fall 2010

I posted the comparisons a while back, but now I'm finally ready to post the whole collection. Took me a while to get some good pictures of Space Cadet! Still not perfect, but better than my first try.

Remember how much we all freaked out over the press release? They're different than I expected but they were in no way a let down for me- I freaking love this collection.

Galaxy Girl. This one was so hard to capture but so beautiful in real life. It's a red-brown base with dominant teal blue flash which comes from these lovely glass-gleck like metallic particles and it has a complimentary dark pink flash at a different angle. There's even a little bit of purple and gold visible at certain angles. It's dark, which is awesome, dark duochromes are some of my favorite duochromes! And no frost! Yay!

Halley's Comet. On a side note, my bottle of this reads "Halle's Comet" like Halle Berry but the name of this according to Orly is Halley's Comet... confusing but kinda funny! Anyway, if you've seen Zoya Charla or OPI Catch Me In Your Net, you've seen this. It has more green to it in real life but my camera likes to pull out the blue in it. Blue/turquoise foily glittery green duochrome mermaid polish. Totally gorgeous, would definitely recommend getting this if you don't already have the Zoya or OPI.

It's Not Rocket Science. It's Rocket Surgery. Hehe. But seriously... super beautiful polish. Murky warm green with gold and yellow and blue sparkle and slight duochrome with a swampy green sheer base. Strange description but the end result is fantastic! Also, this is the most opaque of the recently-released similar colors and has more blue tone to it than the others.

Lunar Eclipse. Extremely pretty rich blue sparkle with purple duochrome. Like Halley's Comet it is not unique, but despite being duplicated it's still gorgeous.

Out Of This World. Are you drowning or waving? I just want you to save me... Should we try to get along? Just try to get along... A vampy blue-toned purple with glittery gold duochrome. Similar to Zoya Julieanne. Like the rest of the shades, I have nothing negative to say about this color, it's amazing even if it isn't unique.

Saved the best for last....

Space Cadet. I tried so many angles and so many different types of lighting to try to capture the awesomeness that is Space Cadet but I still feel like I failed to convey just how freakin' sweet this polish is. It's a glittery, sparkly, foily duochrome... And when I say 'duochrome' I really mean 'multichrome'... bad habit. But I don't feel like always counting how many colors they flash! This one is a purple base with dominant golden green duochrome. It has pink, it has orange, it has green and gold and yellow, it has purple and even a little blue. It's practially a rainbow of duochrome sparkle. Truly magnificent. I can't rave enough about this color, this is one of the best shades I've seen in my life and it's already made it into my favorite polishes of all time list. You have to see this in person to really enjoy how much it switches between colors.

The formula on these was great. I'll admit I didn't have high hopes for it, but it exceeded my expectations. They're all opaque- three coats of each in these pictures-, they dry much more quickly than I'm used to for Orly and they went on pretty smoothly. Only a little runny. Other than that they were perfect. Not super three-free textured like I thought they might be.

One of the best collections ever. I know a lot of people were disappointed that some of the colors are duplicates of other colors, but the way I see it... If you look at this as a whole collection, by itself, without comparing it to what's already been released, it's perfection. The only way I could improve on this collection would be to make six more shades like this. So in that sense, I'm not disappointed. But, since we are all polish junkies and we do follow the latest releases like hungry vultures, we have already seen some of these colors. It would be nice if every shade was completely unique, but the collection as a whole is undeniably awesome.

I do have one complaint about the collection and it has nothing to do with the colors. It's the price. Orly raised the price of this collection to $10 per polish. Do I think they're worth the price? Yes and no. Yes because I've paid more than that for polishes not even half as cool. No because the other companies who released the exact same pigment type/polish type didn't raise the prices and they're just as good. $10 is not very expensive when it comes to polish, but it is a little shocking to see from Orly which has traditionally been one of the lower-priced of the salon brands.

We're seeing so much of this new glittery pigment lately. I wish they'd do more with it! It has the potential to make some really great colors from what I've seen in these. Get to work, polish companies! Don't just make redundant shades!

(These were sent to me for review.)

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