Wednesday, October 20, 2010

List Of Insurance Companies in South Africa

Following are the top ten insurance companies in South Africa.

1. ABSA insurance company

This is a leading worldwide insurance providing company which has its network spread in almost whole Africa. Not just it provides quality insurance services, it also makes the people aware about the latest happenings in the field of insurance by giving them useful advices relating to insurance.


2. AIG South Africa

This is also a worldwide leader in insurance providing companies which is working successfully in South Africa since the past many years. This Company is unique in its behavior that it provides its customers with something that others cannot think of. Besides that, there customer service is also superb.

3. Auto insurance

As the name indicates, this company deals in Auto Insurance but recently this company has made efforts to widen its sphere and has included general insurances to its policies. This is a small sized insurance company, but due to their struggle they have made themselves enable to be among the top ten.

4. Alexander Forbes Insurance

This is also a worldwide leading insurance company which is serving the nation for the past many years. One basic thing that distinguishes it from the other companies is that the claim that their customers make is settled within a short time and the customer do not have to wait long.

5. BOE Insurance Company

The customers of this company does not have to worry about their wealth because this is one of the most reputed insurance company in the region. This company claims to solve all the wealth concerns of the people and no doubt this is doing that quite nicely.

6. Compass Insurance Company

This is a business model to the insurance market because this company though not established on a very big scale yet its effort and sheer hard work has put this company among the top of the region.

7. Credit Insurance

As the name indicates, this company mostly deals in credit related insurance. One feature of this company is that they provide credit Insurance along with credit products which are in the market. This company has its own stature in the local as well as the international market.

8. Hollard Insurance

This company is aiming to make a difference in the insurance sector and to present to the people something new and in order to do that, they have made substantial efforts which are heading the people to the right track related to Insurance and these efforts are quite positive.

9. Nedcor Insurance Company

This is an extension of the bank so the policies and major deals they do are according to the bank standards. Their main objective is to empower the people by providing them with deals which have a strong affect on their life without effecting them financially which is a great task.

10. Rand Mutual Insurance

The history of this company relates back to mining industry which in 1894 founded this company. Initially it was a non profit company but later on as the time went by, it started to provide some extra quality services to the customers which in turn gained them a reputable position in the market.

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